You Gotta Name it to Tame it
Seeking More Inner Calm? It is Possible. In this 5 lesson course learn some ways of engaging with your thoughts and emotions to become more aware and friendly towards yourself. There is a workbook inc
Free Intro to Level Up Your Relationship
Curious about your relationship strengths and growth areas? Knowing your similarities and differences, and how to navigate them, is an essential part of feeling confident in the foundation and fit of
1 m 16 s
Level Up Your Relationship Course
Moving in together? Getting married? Wanting to deepen your connection? Check out my online course Level Up Your Relationship where I guide you + your partner through 11 essential conversations for bu
1 h 57 m 13 s
Clearing a Space: An intro to Focusing Course
Clearing a Space is the first step of Focusing. Focusing is a process of inner awareness rooted in the idea that if we pay attention in a particular way to our body-based feeling called a “felt sense
47 m 50 s
3 Steps to Improving Communication
Learn why your attempts to connect may not be working and how to improve your relationship connection with this communication tool. Through this FREE workbook you will learn:Why your attempts to conne
10 s